finalgrom99 board
finalgrom99 board
This does not include a case (sold separately)
The FinalGROM 99 supports ROM images, GROM images, and mixed images of up to 1 MB in size that use the write-to-ROM bank switching scheme. The cartridge does not require the Peripheral Expansion Box and runs on both PAL and NTSC consoles, including modified consoles with an F18A. It will also run on v2.2 consoles and enables those to run ROM-only programs.
NOTE: THIS DOES NOT WORK ON QI CONSOLES BY DEFAULT. If you aren't sure if your console is QI see here: There is a test firmware to load on the device that will allow it to work on QI see atari age
The cartridge offers some advanced modes that provide RAM and GRAM to programs. It also allows a running program to reload another program from SD card or to dump its state to SD card. All firmware of the FinalGROM 99 can be updated by SD card.
color and manufacturer of board may vary