
Hummingbird Eeprom

Corcomp Eproms
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Myarc Eproms
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TI Eproms
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TI disk controller 80 Track (select track for Dsk1/2/3)
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Misc DSR's
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Cartridges 8k
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Cartridges 16K
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512k roms (red board required)
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2048k roms (yellow board required)
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Hummingbird Eeprom

Product Details

I am now distributing Eproms from Hummingbird Eproms I am charging $1 per order for handling/burning plus $8 per Eprom, shipping is flat-rate.

(note as of 12/22/2017 prices are now $2 additional due to increased costs and difficulty in purchasing eproms)

DSR/Program Filename(s) Chip Description
----------- ----------- ---- -----------
256K Buffer Vn 2.1 cc_2562_1 2764 Corrects minor
problems in the
Original DSR
FDC (Bank 1) cc_bank1 2764 Original Bank 1
FDC (Bank 2) cc_bank2 2764 Original Bank 2
FDC (MG Bank 1) cc_mgbank1 2764 MG mod eliminates
the start up and
adds additional
FDC (MG Bank 2) cc_mgbank2 2764 MG Bank 2
FDC (MG Bank 1) cc_mgbank3 2764 Removes DSK4
Memory Plus cc_mem+_1 2764 Original DSR
Memory Plus cc_mem+_2 2764 Access as disk
RS232 cc_rs232 2732 2764 Original DSR
cc_rs232_1984_rev 2732 2764 Original DSR Vn 03
Tripletech cc_trtech 2716 2732 Original DSR
9900 RS232 cc_9900232 2764 Original DSR
9900 FDC cc_9900dsk 2764 Original DSR
9900CES cc_9900ces 27128 Original DSR
9900CES(FIXED) cc_9900cesFIXED 27128 Removes CC boot
RS232 (Rev 4) cc_rs232_1984_rev.bin 2732 Version change
Geneve Boot Vn .97 my_gen097 27128 Vn .97 boot EPROM
GENEVE Boot Vn .98 my_gen098 27128 Vn .98 boot EPROM
Geneve Boot Vn .98 my_gen098_genmod 27128 Vn .98 for genmod
Geneve Boot Vn .98 my_gem098_noramcheck 27128 Vn .98 no ramcheck
GENEVE Boot Vn 10 my_gen10-nongenmod 27128 Adds a menu and
booting from a
SCSI device
GENEVE Boot Vn 10 my_gen10_genmod 27128 As above for
HFDC V8 my_hfdc_v08 27128 HFDC V8
HFDC V11 my_hfdc11 27128 Original DSR
HFDC V11 (Kyle) my_hfdc_v11x-kyles 27128 Custom DSR
HFDC V14 my_hfdc14 27128 Reduces floppy
head step time to
8ms and 4ms
HFDC V15 my_hfdc15 27128 Removes floppy
HFDC V16 my_hfdc16 27128 Removes hard drive
HFDC Phoenix Mod my_hfdc-H11-91H 27128 ONLY for Phoenix
RS232 my_rs232 2732 Original DSR
RS232 (AVPC Mod) my_avrs232 2732 Eliminates
interrupt line
conflict with AVPC
RS232 (high speed) my_rs232hs 2732 See TI high speed
RS232 (enhanced) my_rs232enh 2732 See TI enhanced
128K Card my_128v1 2764 Original DSR
128K Card (XB212) my_xb212 2764 For use with XB212
512K Card my_512 2764 Original DSR
512K Card Vn 1.3B my_512_13b 2764 Intermediate
512K Card Vn 2.1 my_5122_1 2764 Final release of
512K Card Vn "JD" my_512jd 2764 Intermediate
512K Card Vn 3 my_512v3 2764 V3 Release
FDC V15 my_fdc_15 2764 FDC Vn 15
FDC V15 80-Trk my_v15_80trk 2764 80-TRK upgrade FDC
FDC V16 my_v16_pcv 2764 Paul Charlton mod
RS232 ti_rs232 TMS2532 Original DSR
RS232 ti_rs232_bs TMS2532 Adds a backspace
RS232 (AVPC Mod) ti_avrs232 TMS2532 Eliminates
interrupt line
conflict with AVPC
RS232 (Guion Mod) ti_grs232 TMS2532 Serial port as SIO
BA=4800 PAR=710
RS232 ti_rs232hs.bin Baud rates from
110 -> 38.4K
Clock speed 2.5Mhz
->6Mhz auto-detect
RS232 ti_rs232hs_bs.bin TMS2532 As above backspace
RS232 (enhanced) ti_avrs_bs232.bin TMS2532 Backspace and AVPC
RS232 (Nouspikel) ti_rs232nouspikel.bin TMS2532 All baud rate and
clock detection
and user-defined
Console ROM (Even) ti_evenrom TMS2532 Even console ROM
Console ROM (Odd) ti_oddrom TMS2532 Odd console ROM
FDC ti_diska (U26) TMS2532 Original DSR
ti_diskb (U27)
FDC (DSDD) ti_dd2564 TMS2564 Original DSR
FDC (40/40/40) ti_u26404040 TMS2532 Original DSR
FDC (40/40/80) ti_u26404080 TMS2532 DSK1-2 40-trk
ti_u27404080 DSK3 80-trk
FDC (40/80/80) ti_u26408080 TMS2532 DSK1 40-TRK, DSK2-
ti_u27408080 DSK3 80-TRK
FDC (80/40/40) ti_u26804040 TMS2532 DSK1 80-trk
Ti_u27804040 DSK2-3 40-trk
FDC (80/80/40) ti_u26808040 TMS2532 DSK1-2 80-TRK,
ti_u27808040 DSK3 40-TRK
FDC (80/80/80) ti_u26808080 TMS2532 DSK1-3 80-TRK
FDC (all) TMS2532 All drives 12ms
FDC Guion "A" (U26) ti_dsk12a(12ms) TMS2532 Adds DSK4 and
ti_dsk20a(20ms) lowercase drive
FDC Guion "B" (U27) ti_dskb TMS2532 See above
Misc DSRs
---- ----
AVPC Vn 2.0 avpc_vn2_0 2732 2764 Upgrade of the
original DSR
AVPC (Knerr) avpc_knerr 2732 2764 Restores FCTN=
Alphacom alphacom 2732 Original DSR
Atronic FDC at_disk 2764 Original DSR
Atronic RS232 at_rs232 2732 Original DSR
GRAMULATOR Vn 1.1 gramul_1_1 2764 Original DSR
GRAMULATOR Vn 2.0 gramul_2_0 2764 Adds MBX facility
GRAFTRAX A graftraxa 2716 2732 For Epson MX-80
2K of a 2732 or
GRAFTRAX B graftraxb 2716 2732 a new NEC D2716D
Or an ST M2716
GRAFTRAX C graftraxc 2716 2732
STX-80 stx80 2732 Original DSR
Boxcar RS232 boxcar_scrambled TMS2532 Original DSR
boxcar_unscrambled TMS2532 Original DSR
Boxcar RS232hs boxcar_hs_scrambled TMS2532 Baud rate 300
Boxcar RS232hs boxcar_hs_unscrambled TMS2532 See above
Boxcar V1 boxcar_v1_scrambled TMS2532 V1 scrambled
Foundation 128K foundation 2732 2764 Original DSR
Foundation 128K f_xb212 2764 For Myarc XB212
Winchester Pers. win_lower TMS2532 Original DSR
win_upper TMS2532
Parallax TI parallax TMS2532 Original DSR
ParaPrint paraprint TMS2532 Original DSR
Percom Disk Cont percom 2764 Original DSR
Mechatronic 80 Col mech80_3_5 2764 Last DSR version
Mechatronic 80 Col mech801_2 2764 B. Boone's
SCSI Vn 1.07 scsi_v107 27C512 SCSI Vn 1.07
SCSI Vn 1.10 scsi_v110 27C512 SCSI Vn 1.10
SCSI Vn 1.1 Field trial 27C512 SCSI Vn 1.1
Son of a Board (SOB)sob40 27128 A 40-col version
Son of a Board (SOB)sob80 27128 The original DSR
Multicom RS232 multicom_rs232 2764 The original DSR
Supersketch supersketch 2764 Original DSR
Cartridges 8K
---------- --
4ADOS 2764
4A Flyer 4aflyer 2764
Air Wolf airwolf 2764
Ambulance ambulance 2764
Ant Colony antcolony 2764
Anteater ant_eater 2764
Beyond Space beyondspace 2764
Black Hole blackhole 2764
Boxer boxer 2764
Break Thru breakthru 2764
Burger Builder burgerbuilder 2764
Centipede centipede 2764
Chicken Coop 2764
Clowns clowns 2764
Console Writer consolewriter 2764
Crossfire crossfire 2764
D-Station d_station 2764
D-Station II dstation2 2764
Database(Navarrone) database 2764
Defender defender 2764
Desktop Publisher desktop_pub 2764
Disk-Fixer(Navarrone)disk_fixer 2764
disk fixer 21
Driving Demon drvng_demn 2764
Edu-Pack edupack 2764
Escape escape 2764
Face Chase facechase 2764
Fly Guy II flyguyII 2764
Frog Stickers frogstickers 2764
Galaxia galaxia 2764
Guardian guardian 2764
Hamsoft hamsoft 2764
Henhouse henhouse 2764
Henpecked henpecked 2764
Homework Helper 2764
Home Sentry(CorComp)homesentry 2764
King of the Castle king 2764
Link v0.99 link 2764
Manic Miner manicminer 2764
Midnite Mason midnitemason 2764
Munchman II munch2 2764
Minesweeper minesweeper.bin 2764
Miniwriter miniwriter 2764 Three versions
Nature's Way nature_way 2764
NoNogram nonoogram 2764
Paddle paddle 2764
Paint N Print paintnprnt 2764
Peripheral Diags perdiags 2764
Princess and Frog p&frog 2764
Pro Typer protyper 2764
Rabbit Trail rabbit 2764
Romox Demo romox-demo 2764
Roto-Raider roto_raidr 2764
Saguaro City saguaro 2764
Schnozola schnozola 2764
Shanghai shanghai 2764
Snake Plissken snakeplissken 2764
Sneggit sneggit 2764
Space Patrol spacepatrol 2764
Speed Reading speedreading 2764
Space Aggressor aggressor 2764
Spy’s Demise spiesdemise 2764
St Nick st_nick 2764
Star Gazer I stargazer1 2764
Star Gazer II stargazer2 2764
Star Gazer III stargazer3 2764
Star Trap 2764
Star Wars starwars 2764
Sudoku sudoku 2764
Super Duper(Navarrone)superduper 2764
TI->IBM Transfer(CorComp)ti_ibm 2764
TI Planner tiplanner 2764
TI Toad titoad 2764
Tafara tafara 2764
Tombstone City tombcity 2764
Topper topper 2764
Tris tris 2764
Typoman typoman 2764
Typoman II typo_ii 2764
Video Vegas vegas 2764
Weiand Fig Forth Weind 2764
Worm Attack wormattack 2764
Cartridges 16K (All Inverted)
---------- ---
Barrage 27128
Beyond Parsec 27128
Computer War computer_war 27128
DigDug 27128
Donkey Kong 27128
Dragon Flyer 27128
Great Word Race 27128
Jungle Hunt 27128
Junkman Jr junkman 27128
Junpman jumpman 27128
Killer Caterpillar killer_cat 27128
Mancala 27128
Micro Pinball 27128
Micro Tennis 27128
Moon Patrol 27128
Ms Pacman 27128
Neverlander neverlander 27128
Pacman 27128
Picnic Paranoia 27128
Pole Position 27128
Protector II 27128
Robotron robotron_2084 27128
Shamus 27128
Sorgon II 27128
Strike Three! 27128
Star Runner starrunner 27128
Superstorm superstorm 27128
Word Writer wordwriter 27128
Cartridges 32K
---------- ---
Arcturus 27256
Bouncy (Rasmus) 27256
CF2K14 27256
CF2K20 27256
DM2K24 27256
DU2K20 27256
Dungeons of Asgard dungeons_of_asgard 27256
EA V4 27256
Espial 27256
Flappy Bird (Rasmus) 27256
JetSet Willy (Rasmus) 27256
Miner 2049er (inverted) 27256
Pitfall 27256
Red Baron 27256
Skyway 27256
Star Gazer 3-N-1 27256
Tower (Rasmus) 27256
Cartridges 64K
---------- ---
Bouncy (Rasmus) 27512
Sabrewulf (Rasmus) 27512
TI Workshop 27512
Hide and Seek 27512
SXB Mod 27512
Tilda 27512
Cartridges 128K
---------- -----
FredCarts 27C010
Scrolling Trilogy (Rasmus) 27C010
War Zone II 27C010
Cartridges 256K
---------- ----
Atari 27C2001
Knight Lore (Rasmus) 27C2001
Cartridges 512K
---------- ----
Games 1 (Knerr) 27C040
Games 2 (Knerr) 27C040
Games 3 (Knerr) 27C040
Games 4 (Knerr) 27C040
Games 5 (Knerr) 27C040
Games 6 (Knerr) 27C040
Education (Knerr) 27C040
Utilities1 (Knerr) 27C040
Utilities80col (Knerr) 27C040
Rasmus 8-N-1 27C040
Alex Kidd 27C040
Rotozoom 27C040
Rotozoom Encoder 27C040
Flying Shark (Rasmus) 27C040
Archiver Vn 3.02 arc302 2764
Archiver Vn 3.03 arc303 2764
Archiver Vn 3.04 arc304 2764
Disk Backup dskbackup 2764 Saves a disk to a
SCSI drive
Disk Backup dskbackup1 2764 Saves a disk to
WDS1 and HRD at
DSRLDR3 dsrldr3 2764 Loads SNUG DSRs
DSR Scan dsrscan 2764 Scans DSRs and
CALLs they l
contain 80-col
card required
GKRACKER gkrack 2764 Converts GK to
HSGPL format
F'web Vn 4.4 fweb 2764 F'WEB kernel
HRD16SAV hrd16sav 2764 Original program
HRD16SAV hrd16sav1 2764 For HRD at >1800
and WDS1
HRD16SAV Vn 1.10 hrd16sav2 2764 White/blue and
adds lowercase
Linehunter linehunter 2764 Finds lines and
tags in source
MG Explorer mgexp.bin 27256 MG Explorer
Quest Vn 2.0 quest2 2764 Changes allowable
CRU addresses
Quest Vn 4.0 quest4 2764 Allows 4 Quests
as DSK4-F
Super Bugger superbug 2764 A/L debugger
CC-40 Computer
----- --------
Advanced EE cc_40_advanced_ee 27C256
Editor/Assembler cc_40_ea 27C256
Finance cc_40_finance 27C256
Mathematics cc_40_mathematics 27C256
Memo Processor cc_40_memoprocessor 27C256
Statistics cc_40_statistics 27C256
Pascal cc_40_pascal 27C256
Games 1 cc_40_games1 27C256
Mega Mod cc_40_MultiROM 27C040
39SF040 (EEPROM)
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