
Extended Basic Fun - Contains XB2.7, XB256 and XB w/ The missing link

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Extended Basic Fun - Contains XB2.7, XB256 and XB w/ The missing link

Product Details

3 in 1 cartridge, you can switch from

- Gazoo's Extended Basic V2.7

- Extended Basic 256

- Extended Basic The Missing Link

All in one cartridge!

32k Memory required for full functionality and disk drive recommended

In a recycled TI cartridge case with Ptouch label

XB256 lets you toggle between two independent screens as desired. Screen2 lets you define all 256 characters and have up to 28 double sized sprites using the character definitions available to Screen1.
Scrolling routines let you scroll characters left, right, up, or down or scroll using single pixels. There is a text crawl that gives an effect similar to the STAR WARS title screen.
You can highlight text, set the sprite early clock, print in any direction on the screen using 32 columns, read/write to VDP ram, write compressed strings or sound tables to VDP ram, play a sound list, and catalog a disk.
A utility lets you save selected areas of VDP memory as compressed strings that can be merged with your program.
Character definitions, sound tables, screen images, etc. are saved in a more compact form that can be loaded virtually instantaneously.
There are two utilities that convert the CALL SOUNDs in an XB program into a sound table containing music and sound effects.
This can be loaded directly into VDP memory and played automatically while your XB program does other things. Also, a second player can play a different sound list simultaneously with the first, so you can have background
music playing and add sound effects on top of the background music.

XB The Missing Link was published by Texaments in 1990.
It gives the XB programmer easy access to the bit mapped features of the 9918 VDP.
Full color cartesian graphics, turtle graphics, sprite graphics (32 sprites with auto motion) are supported.
Text can be displayed on screen with fonts having sizes ranging from 4x6 pixels to 8x8 pixels.
The manual is updated with many previously undocumented features. A tutorial called "Potatohead" is included.
There is a loader that embeds A/L programs in high memory - they can be saved as an XB program and run directly out of high memory.

CALL TML to start the missing link after selecting it from the TI menu.

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